Monday, May 17, 2010

These hills be all alive, yo

Heya Friends, Folks, Family, and Random Search Engine Visitors,

Day two of our trip (0-indexed since travel day isn't all that exciting) finds us sipping wine and beers in a small hotel located in the even smaller town of Grandvillard. Grandvillard is located in the pre-Alps, which is like a starter set of mountains for people who aren't quite ready for the full-on Alps yet.

For those of you who are wondering what happened to day one, be aware that this blog will be written in reverse chronological order, except in cases where it is in a forward order. Regardless, all times and dates will be scheduled against a non-linear time system, thus all days happened simeltanesouly but have not yet occured.

Moving on. What you may not know (because we have not mentioned previously) is that we are staying with our good friend Lynn, her cousin Laura, and Lynn's ginormous Alaskan Malamut Loki. There will at some point be pictures of said people. They're on the computer, but I will defer the editing and inserting of those pictures to Megan.

We started the day in the city of Geneva and spent the morning running some quick errands. Due to some languarge barriers and some missed information on our part, our plans to pick up a Eurorail ticket will not be panning out. Oh well, c'est la vie as they say. Or I think that's what they are saying. I don't speak a whole lot of French.

Heading out from Geneva, we headed up to a nearby castle called Chillon. The castle was, quite simply, amazing. First off, it's huge. We walked around the castle for at least an hour and didn't see even half of the more than 100 buildings that make up the structure.

The castle sits on one side of Lake Genevea and offers views of the surrounding countryside that really show off the majestic beauty of the landscape. It really is impossible to do them justice in descriptions, and I don't feel like posting pictures at the moment (just keeping it real for ya'll), so I will harness the power of Al Gore and present you with this link.

After the castle we got back into the car (side note: we rented a car) we headed down the road through the countryside and after some unplanned detours have arrived at our destination, the Hotel/Restaraunt/Bar Vanil-Noir.

On the agenda for tomorrow is a wine and cheese tour, more viewing of the pastoal countryside, and a triumphant return to Geneva. Tune in for the exciting details... coming soon!

Climb every mountain,

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